花落何方 Where have all the flowers gone ?2. 花落何方 Where have all the flowers gone ? 初聽這首1960年代的民歌時, 只覺得旋律簡單易唱 。當時有個美國三人樂團Kingston Trio 就以這首歌出名。也是高中時每個房屋貸款星期天下午 ,與同學 彈吉他練歌時 唱的最熟的歌曲之一,但從未思考歌詞的含意。在陸戰隊服預官役時, 越戰打得火烈。當時南韓派了兩師軍力參戰, 謠傳號稱台灣第一師的本師隨時要步上韓軍後塵,遠征越南,人心惶惶 結婚。每晚都有小兵暗地哭泣 ,偶然聽到這首歌時 才開始感覺到歌詞的悽涼 。退役後出國讀書 大學校園內充滿了反戰氣氛 這首歌是反戰學生的最愛 三十年匆匆過去了,我終於平安地過了除役年齡。 最近國際上盛談台海戰爭, 關鍵字行銷想追隨李 陳兩位總統搞台灣國的人,千萬要有血染沙場的決心 。Mary Travers and Kinston Triohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg8Db7VNgL0-Where have all the flowers gone?Long time passingWhere have all the 節能燈具flowers gone?Long time agoWhere have all the flowers gone?Girls have picked them every oneWhen will they ever learn?When will they ever learn?Where have all the young girls gone?Long time passingWhere 酒店工作have all the young girls gone?Long time agoWhere have all the young girls gone?Taken husbands every oneWhen will they ever learn?When will they ever learn?Where have all the young men gone?Long time 591passingWhere have all the young men gone?Long time agoWhere have all the young men gone?Gone for soldiers every oneWhen will they ever learn?When will they ever learn?Where have all the soldiers 系統傢俱gone?Long time passingWhere have all the soldiers gone?Long time agoWhere have all the soldiers gone?Gone to graveyards every oneWhen will they ever learn?When will they ever learn?Where have all the 房地產graveyards gone?Long time passingWhere have all the graveyards gone?Long time agoWhere have all the graveyards gone?Covered with flowers every oneWhen will we ever learn?When will we ever learn?---- 租屋網Joan Baezhttp://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/pale-rider/article?mid=208&prev=209&next=206&l=f&fid=13 

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